Motor Oil

Optimized & Industry-ready Solutions

Make A Difference By Recycling Your Used Motor Oil

Did you know used oil can be re-refined into base stock for lubricating oil?

Cars are an indispensable fact of life for most of us. So, too, are abundant and clean supplies of drinking water. What we do with the used oil from our cars plays an important role in balancing our desire for convenient transportation with our passion for a clean and healthy environment today and for future generations.

We are familiar with recycling newspapers, aluminum cans, glass, and plastic bottles. Still, you may not be aware of the efforts of the petroleum industry and other groups to promote used motor oil recycling: providing convenient collection sites to keep used motor oil out of our waterways and groundwater supplies and get used oil into the recycling system.

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Oil Recycling Process

Did you know used oil can be re-refined into base stock for lubricating oil?

Cars, as is access to clean drinking water, are essential to our lives. Managing used oil from vehicles is crucial for balancing transportation convenience with environmental responsibility, both now and for future generations.

While we’re accustomed to recycling items like newspapers and bottles, many may not realize the importance of recycling used motor oil. Efforts by the petroleum industry and other organizations aim to provide convenient collection points, preventing used oil from polluting waterways and entering groundwater sources, thus ensuring it enters the recycling system.

Motor oil has value even after it has been drained from an engine.

What can you do? 

When changing your oil, ensure you take it to a recycling center. Automotive service outlets typically recycle the oil they change, but it’s wise to confirm if you’re unsure.

“DIY” collected motor oil is vital for recycling. By recycling oil from various sources like cars, trucks, boats, or lawnmowers, you contribute to pollution prevention and energy conservation.

Recycled oil can be reprocessed for various uses, including heating furnaces and generating electricity for homes, schools, and businesses. It can also undergo re-refining into lubricating base oils at specialized refineries.